The human body is designed to carry out particular movement patterns.
A few of the movements you are design to be able to do as a human.
Performing the basic human movements are a part of your genetic make up and must be consistently worked on to maintain good function.
Far too often people are being medicated before they can demonstrate adequate ability to move like a human.
Let’s look at the ability to touch your toes with straight knees.
This isn’t an extreme demonstration of bending ability.
It something all human should be able to do with average lower back, hamstring and calf flexibility.
What tends to happen is people, for many different reasons, become tighter and tighter through the muscles of the legs and back.
They then start to experience back pain as the body will always tell you when something is not right.
The next step is anti- inflammatory medications to mask the pain and then often a cortisone injection (which is a supersized anti- inflammatory)
Then pain subsides for 2-7 days and then it is back.
Because the issue has not been fixed.
Over the past 3 months alone I have seen 3 people come in looking done.
Completely over their pain and their inability to just do life.
They were living on medications to get by day to day and in significant discomfort because no one was helping.
All 3 clients have had instant relief from stretch therapy.
One lady started crying as I was stretching her as she could feel the pain releasing as the stretch was happening.
There is so much emotional energy that is held when you are in constant pain and that doesn’t belong in the human body for long periods of time.
So please, if you are constantly living with a dull ache or severe discomfort please do something to start to undo it.
Movement is medicine and when you move the way your designed to as a human everything feels great.
But if you struggle to stand up, touch your toes with straight legs, squat down like a toddler or even move your head around without discomfort start to train your body to do the movement you want it to do.
Book in for a session here if you’d like a full assessment of your movements or click here to take a look through my movement library where there are some exercises to help you get going.
Your body wants to move well.
It will tell you when it’s struggling.
If you have a chance to fix it, go for it.
Movement is magic.
Magic happens when you move well.