Movement IS Medicine

The human body is designed to carry out particular movement patterns. Extend Bend Twist Rotate Shrug Squat A few of the movements you are design to be able to do as a human. Performing the basic human movements are a part of your genetic make up and must be consistently worked on to maintain good…

The Position of Perfection

Imagine having a body that just felt awesome every day.  No niggles, no tightness, no pain.  Everyone’s body can be like this if you can obtain one position and be there consistently.  It’s called anatomical position.  Anatomical position is a position where your body is completely neutral and balanced.  In this position, there are NO…

Two Bedroom Pool Villa

200sqm 4 Adults Pool View In aliquet quis magna in placerat. Suspendisse nec efficitur purus. Curabitur vitae congue urna. Donec nec finibus orci, at luctus nisi. Donec nulla felis, auctor ac lacus et, varius congue leo. Donec eu tempor purus. DISCOVER MORE